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Trampoline HIIT

About the Workout

This 45 minute high intensity interval workout on the TRAMPOLINE will challenge your stamina and improve your aerobic conditioning. I incorporate lots of jumping ab and oblique work in this routine! PUSH yourself during the 45 second interval and recover for 15 seconds before the next burst of cardio. She is jumping on a 40-inch Blue Rebounder. 


Lindsay Rosebush


Health Bounce: Start with a regular bounce to get your heart-rate up. Do this for 30 seconds
Clap leg: While bouncing, kick one leg out while clapping your hands together under your thighs, then do the other leg. Your kicking leg does not have to be straight, but keep your spine tall. Do this for 45 seconds, then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Heel click: Bring your feet out wide, and do four jumps and on your fourth jump hit your heels together. Keep your feet bent and really push towards your mat. Do this for 45 seconds then go back to the health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Off twist: Bring one foot of the rebounder and tap the floor with your foot, lifting your other leg on the Rebounder, then bring both feet on the Rebounder and do a small jump. When you jump, twist your hips. Your arms are opposite. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Middle twist: Bring your feet out wide on the rebounder, and as you jump up twist your hips. Keep your arms going side to side. Make sure your head stays level and your feet are bent the whole time. Make sure to engage your core as your jump. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds.  
Off twist other side: Do the same off twist as above but this time do the opposite leg. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Wave bunny hop: Start on one side of your rebounder with your feet together and make some bunny hops to the other side. As you hop to the other side, Bring your arms up in a wave motion and bring them to the other side. Keep your knees bent the whole time and push down into the Rebounder, make sure your core is engaged. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Criss-cross jack with a tuck jump: Jump out while bringing your hands up, then bring your feet together and cross one foot over the other while bringing your hands down. Then, pull the legs up into a tuck jump. Make sure to keep pushing down into the Rebounder and keep your hips back. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Back and forth kick: Bring one foot in front of you and kick, then, bring the other leg behind you. Put your weight on the front leg, then put your weight on the back leg and as you bring your back leg up, kick it out behind you. Keep your core engaged as it will help with your balance. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. After you do your health bounce, switch sides and legs and repeat this move again for another 45 seconds with the health bounce after for 15 seconds. 
Triangle jump with Air jack: Keeping your feet together, jump to the side of your rebounder mat, to the back, and then the other side in a Triangle shape. Then, jump to the middle of your mat, after you make the triangle shape and jump up with your feet out and your hands out like a Star Jump. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds.
Criss-cross arms with a jumping bend: Open and close the legs while keeping your legs bent and bring your arms out and in, in a crossed position. Make sure your tailbone is back and your back is straight as you do this. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds.
Bounce, bounce, kick: Keeping your legs in a slight squat, do two bounces and then bounce again while kicking out one leg in front of you and straighten up. Then, switch sides. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds.
Donkey Kick: Place your hands on one side of your Rebounder frame and bend over, and bring your feet together and bent. Then push off the Rebounder with your feet and push up, in a Donkey-like move. Make sure to keep your back straight and your abs are tucked. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds.
Modified Burpee: Jump up on your Rebounder while bringing your arms up over your head, then bring your hands down to the Rebounder steel frame similar to the donkey kick, bring your feet out behind you and then bring them back in. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds.
Roundhouse kick: While jumping bring one straight leg high up in front of you, then bring it out and then down. Keep your standing leg slightly bent. If this is too challenging for you, you can take the jump out and just do the leg motion. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. Now, do the opposite leg in the roundhouse kick motion for 45 seconds and then do the Health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Lunge to jump: Stepping off your Rebounder, do a lunge, then stand on your trampoline and jump up while bringing the opposite knee up. If the hop is too difficult, you can just do a balance with your knee up. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. Then, do the opposite leg and repeat the same move again with opposite legs. Do this move for 45 seconds and then do a health bounce for 15 seconds. Repeat this whole sequence again with the opposite legs you did not use the first time. (45 seconds each side, 15 seconds break)
Bounce squat then up: Bring your feet out to a squat position and continuously bounce for 4 bounces in the squat position, and then straighten your back and bounce for another 4 bounces. You can put your hands wherever you like, Lindsay is clasping them together over her chest. Make sure your behind goes back when you bounce down into the trampoline. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds.
High low knee: Bouncing up and down, Bring one arm up over your head in a punch and then bring it down to bounce your side. As you punch down, bring your knee up in front of your chest. Keep your opposite arm in a fist in front of your chest. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds and then do the opposite side for 45 seconds and then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Side kick with a press out: Bring your hands out to your sides, in a "pressing motion" while kicking one leg out to the side, then bring the arms in and the kicking leg bent behind your standing leg. Make sure to engage your core and keep your back straight. Your kick can be as high or low as you want but make sure to lean away from your kicking leg. Repeat this move for 45 seconds on one side then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. Then, switch sides and continue for 45 seconds then you can either go back to the Health bounce or do a step touch for 15 seconds.
Kick punch: Bring one leg out in front of you and kick. As you kick, punch with both hands out in front of you, then switch legs and jump in between each kick. Repeat this move for 45 seconds then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds.
Dancing Clown: Bring one knee out to the side while bringing that elbow out to touch your knee, and then switch sides. When you bring your leg up, lean to the side a bit to get a slight ab workout. On your fifth jump, bring both heels up to a jumping bend. After you're comfortable with this jump, increase your speed. Repeat this move for 45 seconds and then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds.
One arm punch: Twist your hips slightly while punching out one arm in front of you and keeping the other arm in front of your chest. When you bring your punch back in, straighten your hips. Repeat this move for 45 seconds then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. Next, switch arms and sides and do that for another 45 seconds. Keep your head still and make sure your legs are bent the whole time. Then go back to the health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Speed bag: Bring one arm in front of your face while moving it in a circular motion similar to punching a bag or punching a balloon. As you punch, jump up and down and keep your legs bent. Repeat this move for 45 seconds then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. Then, switch sides and repeat that move for 45 seconds. Then go back to the health bounce for 14 seconds. 
Squat punch to click heels: Bring your feet out to a squat and punch with each arm in front of your face, then after the fourth punch, jump up and bring your heels together so they touch, then go back to the squat. To modify the heel click, stand on one leg and bring the other foot to touch the side of your standing knee. Repeat this move for 45 seconds then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Scissors with arm circles to the back: Alternate bringing each foot in front of you while jumping and as you do that, bring your hands in a big circle behind you to open up your chest. Keep your core engaged and lean slightly forward. After 25 seconds, switch arms so they go forward instead of back. Then finish off for the next 25 seconds. Go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds. 

High knee to wood chopper: Bring one knee up and bounce. While you do that motion, bring your arms from the top of your body and then down to go over the thighs. While the bring the arm down across your body, twist your hips. Repeat this move for 45 seconds then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds, then switch sides/legs and do the same move for another 45 seconds then go back to the health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Squat jump arched foot: In a squat position, bring one foot behind you and arch your foot while keeping the other foot grounded on the Rebounder. Do a squat and then jump up with your legs straight and your arms out and then land back into the squat position. Repeat this move for 45 seconds then go back to the Health bounce for 15 seconds then, switch sides and do the same move for another 45 seconds then go back to the health bounce for 15 seconds. 
Lazy dancing clown: Very similar to the dancing clown we did above, just take out the heel click and don't make your arms and legs touch like before. Make sure to keep your chest up and facing forward. Do this move for 45 seconds and then go back to your health bounce for 15 seconds. Then, switch sides and do the same move for another 45 seconds then go back to the health bounce or step touch for 15 seconds. 
Fast feet: Bring your feet together and do fast feet for 2 steps, and then out for 2 steps, then in for 2 steps then out for 2 steps, then in for 2 steps and this time, do super fast feet out for 3 counts. Repeat this for 45 seconds and then go back to your health bounce for 15 seconds. Then, repeat this move again starting with the other foot first. Do this for 45 seconds. Then go back to the health bounce for 15 seconds. 
High knees with a pull down: Alternating each knee coming up and bouncing with each leg, bring your arms up when your legs aren't up and then bring them down similar to a lateral pull down to your sides. Do this move for 45 seconds and then go back to your health bounce for 15 seconds.
Around the trampoline hop: Step off the Rebounder and then bring one leg on the Rebounder mat. When you place your leg on the mat, hop with your standing leg and bring your knee up, then when you bring your standing leg down, slightly lift up your foot on the mat. Do this around the Rebounder for 45 seconds. Make sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged. After 45 seconds, go back to your step touch for 15 seconds. Switch sides and do this same move with your other feet. 

Cool Down

Step touch: Let your heart rate slow down by doing a step touch. Make sure to breathe in through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Do this step touch for 45 seconds
Wide arm stretch: Bring your feet out wide and bring your hands up above your head as you inhale, and then down to your sides and exhale. Do this fo 15 seconds.
Runners stretch: Bring one foot up to touch your behind stretching out your thigh and then switch legs. 
Forward fold: Bring your feet together with a slight bend in the legs, and then fold your torso over your legs and touch your feet to the rebounder mat. Drop your head and shake your head out. Bend your knees and roll up. 
Arm across stretch: Bring one arm across your body while your other arm locks it in place, then switch sides. 
Wrist stretch: Slightly lean to one side while bringing both arms above your head and pulling your wrist out and to the side, then switch sides.
Waist twist: Twist your body side to side while keeping your hips straight and bringing your hands out in a windmill sort of position. 
Chest stretch: Put your hands on your lower back and push into your back while arching your back and leaning back so you're looking at the celling. Then do a forward fold. 

You did it! Wow great job that was a hard workout! 


Trainer Information

Hey there! My name is Lindsay. I truly enjoy teaching everything in the realm of physical activity. I grew up dancing at Mark Spivak's Institute in Jacksonville, Florida. I studied under a Russian Prima Ballerina. I played soccer. I swam. My lifestyle at a young age is reflected in my work as an adult. Nowadays, I love yoga, hiking, running, art, and being a big sister! If I have one goal in my professional life it would be to inspire active, healthy living in today's youth. I completed my 450 hour pilates certification which compliments my teachings in every field due to the anatomical approach. Currently I work as a dance teacher, pilates instructor, yoga teacher and flexibility coach. My passion for movement will inspire you to achieve your goals. I love to make any positive difference to a client: in their day, in their body, and in their outlook. I look forward to meeting you and reaching the finish line- whatever that may be!

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