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15 Minute Beginning Rebounder Workout

About the Workout

Today's workout is perfect for the beginner rebounder or anyone who wants more of a mild and simple workout for the day. This is a great low intensity steady state cardio, otherwise known as LISS. This is a great workout if you are just getting starting with rebounding or want to go back to the basics. I will be taking you through some basic moves, while teaching you proper form and keeping you safe. You will burn a TON of calories using a mini trampoline! Jumping workouts are good for your health and soul. Subscribe for more health and fitness videos:


Renee Lynne


Basic bounce: Keep your abs pulled in, feet shoulder width apart and keep your feet on the mat. Keep your knees slightly bent. Jump for one minute, then reach your hands and arms out to the side, then over your head and back to the side then down. Do that for 20 seconds. 
Basic bounce with more jump: Do this same move but this time, leave the mat with your feet and keep your hands on your hips. Press through the balls of your feet when you jump. Jump for one minute. 
March: Start bringing one leg up and then alternating and then add a bounce to it while adding your arms as well. If the bouncing while marching is too challenging, you can March without the jump. Do this move for one minute
Jumping Jacks: Start jumping out with your arms out and then together. If this is too challenging for you, you can alternate stepping each leg out and arm, then switch sides without the jump. Make sure your core is engaged as you do this. Do this for one minute.
High knee side march: Bring each leg out to the side with a bent knee. Think about your knee getting close to your waist. Once you've got this move down, you can add a jump to it and alternating arms. Do this move for one minute. 
Front tap: Bring each foot forward in front of you and tap your foot on the mat. Engage your core and keep your hands on your hips. Once you're comfortable with this move, you can bring your legs up just a bit. Do this whole move for one minute. 
Front kicks: Kick with each leg out in front of you. If the jump and kick is too challenging, you can stand and alternate kicking. Bring your arms up to down, or keep your hands on the hips. Do this move for one minute. 
Heel to glute kick: Alternate each heel to your glute in a backwards bend kick. Once you're comfortable with this, you can add a bounce to each leg movement. Keep your hands on your hips and pick-up the pace when you're comfortable. Don't forget to engage your core. Do this move for one minute. 
Out and together legs: Bring your legs out and then together as you jump and bring your arms out and down. If this is too challenging, you can do a step touch on each side and not jump. Keep your core engaged and have a slight bend in your back as well. Do this move for one minute. 
Side to side kicks: Bring each leg out to the side while keeping the standing leg straight and bringing your elbows close to your thigh as you alternate. If this is too challenging, you can do a step touch to the side, or put your hands to your hips. Do this move for one minute. 
Side to side twist: Keep your legs together and twist your hips side to side. As you twist, turn your arms as well, bring your hand towards your armpit on one side, then stretch out the other arm, then switch, If the arms are too challenging, you can keep your hands on your hips. Once you're comfortable with this move, bend your legs slightly, having your feet leave the mat. Do this move for one minute. 
Wide feet bounce: Bring your legs out to the side and put your hands on your hips. Once you're comfortable with this move, bring your feet off the mat and press your feet into the rebounder, in a slight squat. Engage your core. Do this move for one minute. 
Criss cross Jacks: Bring your legs out and then together, alternating each leg to cross in front of your other leg. As you do that, stretch your arms out and then cross them in front of your chest. Do this for one minute. 
Forward Ski arms and legs: Bring one leg out in front, then switch legs. As you do that bring one arm up and then down with your hand in a fist, sort of a funky monkey dance move. Do this for one minute 
Forward step: Bring your right leg forward, bring your left leg to meet your right leg, then bring both legs back. Sort of a box-step type move. Keep your hands on your hips and don't jump for this move. After 30 seconds, switch legs. Do this move for a total of one minute, 30 seconds each side. 
Forward back jump: Start in a basic bounce, then bring your legs out in front of you in a jump. While doing this, keep your arms bent at your sides and bring them forward and then out in front of you. Do this move for one minute. 
Basic bounce: Go back to this move and slow down your breathing. This is a cool down now, so try to lower your heart rate and relax. Do this for one minute, then bring your arms up over your head and then down, change to a step touch for one minute and then be proud of yourself, you did it! 


Trainer Info

Hi, I’m Renee and I am so happy you are here. I love sharing my favorite workouts, recipes and grocery hauls with all of you. I am excited to encourage you to live your best life. Exercise should be fun and something you look forward to doing each and everyday. I will upload new videos weekly to keep you moving. I love all things health and fitness and cannot wait to help you live your healthiest, happiest life. You can check-out my channel here.

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