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30 Minute HIIT Workout

About the Workout

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout with a rebounder. Tabata style, 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off, 1 minute rest between sets. She is using a 48-inch Pink Rebounder. 


Bounce Fit Babe

Warm Up 

Circular Arm Stretch: Start standing behind your rebounder with your legs a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. Bring your arms up and down while shaking out your hips. While you do this breathe in and breathe out. Do this for 30 seconds. 
Side to Side reach: Reach over to one side while keeping your feet in place, and then switch sides. Do this for 30 seconds. 
Across body stretch: Reach across your body with each arm and keep your core tight. Do this for 30 seconds.

Plie stretch: Bring your feet out a bit wider and do a squat with your tail bone tucked in. As you go down bring your arms down then bring them up when you stand up right. Do this for 30 seconds. 
Reach up and down: Keep your legs straight and reach up and down to touch the Rebounder mat. Do this for 15 seconds. 
Side to side stretch: lean side to side while touching the rebounder. A lateral lunge. Do this for 15 seconds. 
High knee touch: Stand up right and touch your alternating elbow to your alternating knee. Do this for 15 seconds. 


High knee jump: Step onto the Rebounder and bring each knee up to touch your palms while jumping up and down. Do this for 40 seconds. 
Rest for 20 seconds. 
High Knee jump: Do this same move again for another 40 seconds. If this is challenging, do as many as you can.
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Back kick: Bring your hands behind your back and kick your feet back, sort of trying to kick your own booty. Make sure your abs are tight. Do this for 40 seconds. 
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Back kick:
Do this same move again for another 40 seconds. 
Rest for 1 minute. Don't stop all the way, drink some water and just let your heart rate go down a bit. 
Pop Squat:
Jump out with your legs in a squat while touching a hand to the Rebounder, then jump up and switch your arms. Do this for 40 seconds.
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Pop Squat: Do this same move again for another 40 seconds. Make sure to jump in the middle of the Rebounder. 
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Jump rope bounce:
Lean a bit forward while jumping with your legs shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms to your side in a circular motion, like you have a jump rope. Do this move for 40 seconds.
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Jump rope bounce: Do this same move again for another 40 seconds.
Rest for 1 minute. Make sure to keep moving, don't stop completely. 
Plank Jacks: Lean forward to your rebounder, like a plank, while putting your hands on the middle of the rebounder. Jump with your feet out and then together. If that is too challenging, you can touch with each foot. Do this for 40 seconds. 
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Plank Jacks: Do this move again for 40 seconds. Make sure to keep your back straight. 
Burpees: Bring your body back to a plank, then jump with your feet up, and jump up. Keep your hands on the Rebounder except to jump up. Do as many as you can for 40 seconds. 
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Burpees: Do this move again for 40 seconds. You can also step up and down if that is easier for you. 
Rest for 1 minute. Keep moving, you can walk around the rebounder if you want or even step touch. 
Bicycle crutches: Lay your back on to the Rebounder. With your legs bring one knee up to touch your elbow while the other leg stretches out and switch. Do this for 40 seconds. 
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Bicycle crutches: Do this move again for 40 seconds. If it's easier for you, You can keep the opposite leg on the floor while you touch the other leg to your elbow. 
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Mountain climbers: Place your hands on the Rebounder, while bringing each leg up and down. Try to touch your knee to your arms. Do this for 40 seconds. 
Rest for 20 seconds. 
Mountain climbers: Do this move again for 40 seconds. Make sure to keep your back straight and to not arch your back too much. 

Rest for 1 minute. 
Slightly run on your Rebounder, sort of a trot to keep your body in the fat burning zone. After 20 seconds, bring your legs up a bit to be a bit of a run. Turn your body in a circle, then turn the other direction. Do this for 40 seconds.
Hip stretch: Place your hands on the rebounder in front of you while slightly bouncing, and keeping your knees bent a bit. Do this for 20 seconds. 
Jog: Go back to the jog. After 10 seconds, turn 360, then turn the other direction. Do this for 40 seconds. 
Hip stretch: Do this move again for about 20 seconds. 
Shake it out. 
Step up: Get off your Rebounder, and then step up and then step down. Do this move for 30 seconds. 

Cool Down 

Jog: Step on the Rebounder and jog and shake it out for 20 seconds. Take some deep breaths, and bring your arms up and down while you bend your knees a bit. 
Forward fold: Stand behind the rebounder and touch your hands to the rebounder while you fold over your legs. Do this for 20 seconds and then stretch out your legs a bit wider, while bringing your elbows to the rebounder. Do this for 20 seconds, and then straighten your arms for another 20 seconds. 
Lateral lunge: Lean to one side and bend the leg you're leaning towards for 20 seconds then switch legs for another 20 seconds. 
Forward fold: go back to the center for a forward fold. After 20 seconds, lean a bit more into the stretch. After 20 seconds, bring your feet together but keep bending over to stretch for 20 minutes. Then roll up slowly to standing. 
Wide stance stretch: Stand up with your feet apart and breathe in and out while you stretch for a bit. Do this for 10 seconds and be happy, you did it! 

Trainer Info

Bounce Fit Babe makes Rebounding Exercise Videos on Youtube and is a ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor. You can checkout her channel here.

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