About the Workout
Robert B
Robert B
Health Bounce - start with basic bouncing on your trampoline as a warm up
Downward Facing Dog -while stepping on the edge of your rebounder, hold the other edge and hold that position for 2 mins. you can also stretch your leg up for more stretch.
Forward Lunge Stretch - left knees on the trampoline mat and the other feet on the edge of the trampoline. while on this position raise your both arm and stretch. do this also on the other foot and knee.
Side Leaning Bend - stand on your rebounder and hold both your hands and raise it upwards and slow stretch bend them to the right and to the left.
Thread Needle Shoulder Stretch - same position as the "Facing Dog" and put your right shoulder all the way to the right mat as stretch as you can. and do this on the other side as well.
Get your bounce on! Try Leaps & Rebounds for 30 days and see how you feel! If you don't absolutely love it, for any reason we'll refund your money!