The rebounder is one of many tools we use to help us stay fit, but it comes with some downsides. The most common question people ask about this device concerns its safety for children and young adults who may be still developing their muscles or recovering from injuries that prevent them from participating in other types sports like basketball or football (to name just two).
Many experts agree that if you're over age 18 then there isn't much risk involved when using your own personal rebounding contraption at home; however, certain specialists recommend against letting minor kids play without supervision because they might end up getting hurt.
Here are some of the most common questions we have seen about the dangers of rebounding.
1) Can Rebounding Be Bad for You?
When we think of exercise, jumping around on a trampoline seems like an ideal form to get in shape. But is it really? A recent study shows that many people are injured every year due this popular activity and there have even been cases where children fall off resulting into cuts or bruises!
The Takeaway: Rebounding can be bad for you- especially if done incorrectly which leads many websites stating otherwise claiming rebounding will cure all ailments
However, we believe that these injuries are most likely the result of recklessness. It goes without saying that we have to exercise properly; otherwise, we might get hurt. We often can go overboard with our routine, which can have painful results.
2) Is Rebounding Bad for Your Back?
Rebounding can be bad news for people who have been diagnosed with pinched nerves, osteoporosis or sciatica. The sudden forces that allow us to rebound are strong and therefore strain our spines by "compressing" it—in other words joints will stretch over time while pressure increases on discs.
The discs are located between each vertebra in our spine. We put more pressure on them while jumping up and down. As a result, the soft tissue that surrounds them can become inflamed. Simply put, the tissue cannot endure the effect of the rebounding forces.
3) Is Rebounding Bad for Scoliosis?
Speaking of back problems, scoliosis is a common deformity that causes curvatures in our spine. Whatever the type may be, scoliosis manifests itself in one’s formative years. Consequently, scoliosis in adults is generally residual, which means that they have developed it much earlier, in their childhood.
There is an ongoing debate on the effects rebounding may have on scoliosis. Some people advise against jumping on trampolines, arguing that it will put additional pressure on the spine. Others even say that they experienced the negative effects firsthand.
Orthopedists agree that those affected by scoliosis should remain active. However, most of them share the opinion that rebounding can be dangerous.
We should note that the severity of the condition varies from person to person. Therefore, it’s hard to claim that everyone who has scoliosis should stay away from trampolines.
4) Is Rebounding Bad for Ankles?
The rebounder can be a less strenuous alternative to jumping rope or running. One reason for this is because the trampoline mat is softer than concrete and similar surfaces.
However, this does not mean it’s safe, overdoing any exercise will result in some kind discomfort - but does rebounding always lead us down such an unfortunate path? Landing when trying high jumps may cause painful joints as well sprained ankles from landing incorrectly!
The risk of ankle damage increases as we get older. That is because our ankles become weaker and our balance decreases. Therefore, we either have to be extra careful or simply try something else.
5) Is Rebounding Bad for Knees?

For the most part, rebounding is not necessarily bad for our knees. However, there are a few situations where we can hurt our knees while using a rebounder.
First, we have to consider what kind of a mini trampoline we are using. By that, we mean the quality of our rebounder. Not all rebounders are made equal, and the lower the cost of the mini trampoline, the more likely we are to get hurt. Cheap rebounders have mats that stretch easily and become saggy after a while. Jumping on such a mat can misalign our ankles, hurting our knees in the process.
Second, we have to mind our posture while rebounding. Even though the padding is soft and stretchy, it still exerts some force on our body. That is why our knees must be slightly bent when we land. Conversely, keeping our knees straight all the time makes the rebounder surface no different from a concrete one.
Ultimately, rebounding is safe for our knees as long as we pay attention to how we rebound and what kind of rebounder we use.
Final Thoughts
As we can see, there are quite a few negative side effects of rebounding. It seems that the highly praised exercise doesn’t come without some drawbacks, after all.
Let us get one thing out of the way first... by no means do we want to discourage you from using a rebounder. Instead, we wanted to show you some of the risks involved in using one. In addition to that, we get the impression that improper exercise is the most common cause of trampoline-related injuries.
Have you experienced any of the above-mentioned side effects? If so, please tell us in the comments below and share this article with friends who also enjoy rebounding.
I bought a mini trampoline this year thinking it would be the perfect option so I don’t need to go to the gym… Yet I have started to feel lots of pain in my body which I how I came upon this thread. Seems it could be the rebounder that is aggravating underlying problems – maybe osteoporosis I suspect sadly. Now I may have to rethink my whole approach to exercise. which I was happily doing at home …
I have used my rebounding for more than 10 years ❤️👍💟 and it just repaired my pain Rips under my heart ❤️ on my rebounding ⬆️ this week (feared down at tennis) The rebounding prevents doctor medication 🙏🤗💟
After rebounding for a year both of my knees have torn meniscus. The pain began suddenly after a high energy class. I’m 62 years old and loved rebounding but now I have chronic pain. I can’t take walks. Hoping to get surgery on both knees and spend a year or two recovering. Maybe it’s not good on older joints.
Can you do rebounding with a cervical sling for incontinence?
I’ve just been told my hip pain spasm and leg weakness could be due to gluteal tendinitis, I have a rebounder that I sometimes do low impact 20 minute exercise on, by no means regular as it’s outside and it’s been raining a lot. Can I continue?
I also have scoliosis. I’m 61, pretty active. My GP isn’t much help, sadly.
Good day,
I have bulging c6 and c7 disc. I had a rizotomy bur whenever i di rebound my neck is very sore and which results in a migraine. Should i stop rebounding?
I am 56 years old and have been a long distance runner for over 35 years. Unfortunately, I developed Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome and have needed to pick up another activity. I thought rebounding would be the answer. However, I am finding that my spine is being affected. I have slight curvature of the spine and hasn’t been much of an issue before now. I have been following workout videos and after a couple of weeks noticed my back is very stiff, also noticing a great deal of stiffness when I get up from a sitting position throughout the workday. I am not sure what is going on. I should probably see a doctor. This is why I am making a comment, because I just looked up the cons to see if there has been any negative effects and found this page. I was really hoping for the rebounder to be successful for me as an activity. I think I will back off the intensity and include the workouts that involve the weight training exercises instead of the fun cardio videos. I don’t like cycling for various reasons and really hope this will work out for me. I have a rowing machine, but isn’t as fun as the rebounder. I will keep rebounding with lower intensity and see how things go. Maybe my body is just trying to adjust to this type of exercise too? Thank you for making us aware of the potential drawbacks.
I am 72 years old and I just had back surgery L2 through L5 laminectomy. Would it be safe for me to use a rebounder if I was very careful and did not bounce too high?
I was reading that rebounding is bad for people with pinch nerves…is this for people who are actually jumping on the rebounder?
Or Does this also apply for people who are only doing health bounce (feet never leaving the mat) for about 10 minutes
Greetings , I applaud you for being transparent and forthcoming with the potential dangers of rebounding. I started using a rebounder as my main form of exercise 5 years ago and absolutely LOVE IT! I have become addicted to this form of exercise which feels more like playtime than a workout. However, I was diagnosed with a pretty serious cervical disk degenerative condition when hospitalized 3 years ago- the MRI revealed a moderate spinal stenosis and little to no disks between C4 & C7- the disks are completely flatten out… which means I am in chronic daily pain… After consulting a neuro-surgeon and now a family physician- both have warned me against working out on a rebounder; I must face the music and change the way I workout… It makes me sad as I absolutley LOVE rebounding but I have to recognize that it is exacerbating my pain and make the tough choice to stop rebounding. I am hoping to find a way to still use my rebounder in some way to exercise but not sure how. If you have any ideas on this, please let me know.
Thank you!