We are proud to announce that we have just helped sponsor Tony Robbins' Fiji summit, in October, with our rebounders! This is a major event that is designed to bring more positivity and health to the world. We feel that this is in line with our mission as a company, which is to help improve the lives of our customers through our products and services.
Who are we exactly? We are Leaps & Rebounds and for the past 7 years we have been striving to make home health and fitness more affordable for the everyday person. We offer the top quality fitness trampolines and rebounders for much less than top quality price, making you slim down instead of your wallet.
As a company, we believe that it is our responsibility to help make the world a better place. We know that our products and services can help improve the lives of our customers, and so we are always looking for ways to give back. Sponsoring the Tony Robbins' Fiji summit is just one of the ways that we are doing this.We are committed to helping people live healthier and happier lives. We know that by sponsoring this event, we are helping to bring more positivity and health into the world. This is something that we are very passionate about, and we will continue to look for ways to support events and initiatives like this in the future.
We are proud to be able to help sponsor the Tony Robbins' Fiji summit. This is a major event that is designed to bring more positivity and health into the world, and we feel that this is in line with our mission as a company. We are committed to helping people live healthier and happier lives, and we will continue to look for ways to support events and initiatives like this in the future. Thank you for supporting us as we work to make the world a better place!
If you were interested in getting one of our rebounders for yourself, you can pick them up at our main site and jump your way to a healthier life as well!